汉字叔叔 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
ChineseEtymology字源,ChinesecharacterhistoryandancientChinaesecharacter(Orachlecharacters,Bronzecharacters,Sealcharacters,ShuowenJiezi, ...
About Uncle Hanzi - Richard Sears 关于汉字叔叔 - 理查德·西尔斯百度百科: 理查德·西尔斯[1]
互动百科: 理查德·西尔斯[2]
When I was a young man of 22 I decided I wanted to learn Chinese. I worked hard for a year and bought a one-way ticket to Taiwan in 1972 with the idea that I would become fluent and literate in Chinese. I was not a particularly good student in the early days and found myself at the age of 40 and not able to read Chinese.
I was still faced with the prospect of learning to write about 5,000 characters and 60,000 character combinations. The characters were complex with many strokes and almost no apparent logic.
I found on the rare occasions when I could get a step by step evolution of the character from its original pictographic form, with an explanation of its original meaning and an interpretation of its original pictographs, suddenly it would become apparen...
汉字叔叔 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
汉字叔叔 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
“汉字叔叔”的网址是什么? | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
美国来的汉字叔叔A Character | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
「漢字爺爺」散盡千萬,只為了打造免費的線上版「說文解字」 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
理查德·西尔斯(美国汉学家) | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
70歲美國“漢字叔叔”潛心研究30年打造漢字字源數據庫 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫