課程特色Curriculum Feature | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
開設有筆譯、口譯、教學法、餐旅日文、中日工商比較分析、時事日文等課程。Besidescontinuinglanguagetraining,thetwo-yearsupplementarycollegeprogram ...
The main feature of curriculum design is to help students acquire good command of Japanese language in order to enhance their ability of “cross-cultural communication,” “problem solving,” “basic occupational skill,” and “core professional skill.” In response to the needs of the society and industry we cultivate students to become qualified personnel with proactive thinking ability and global perspective. To enhance students’ professional skills, we encourage them...
文藻外語大學日本語文系 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
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課程特色Curriculum Feature | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
日文 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫
文藻外語大學日本語文系介紹 | 全國各校統一編號資料庫